A well-designed and fortified fence not only adds aesthetic value to your property but also plays a crucial role in enhancing security and deterring potential burglars. As a homeowner, it’s important to explore legal and effective options to fortify your fence and create a safer living environment. In this article, we’ll discuss five things you can legally put on your fence to stop burglars and enhance the security of your property.

Securing Your Garden Fence

  1. Motion-Activated Lights:

Illuminate your fence line with motion-activated lights to create a deterrent for would-be intruders. These lights activate when motion is detected, providing a sudden and bright burst of light. Not only do motion-activated lights startle potential burglars, but they also draw attention to the area, increasing the likelihood of someone noticing suspicious activity.

  1. Security Cameras:

Installing security cameras on your fence is a legal and effective way to monitor and record any activity around your property. Visible cameras act as a strong deterrent, as potential intruders are less likely to target a property equipped with surveillance. Modern security camera systems often allow remote monitoring, providing homeowners with real-time footage and alerts.

  1. Thorny or Prickly Plants:

Planting thorny or prickly vegetation along your fence line can act as a natural deterrent. Legal options include plants like rose bushes, bougainvillea, or holly bushes. These plants not only make climbing the fence more difficult but also create a physical barrier that discourages unauthorized access. Be sure to research and choose plants that are suitable for your climate and local regulations.

  1. Anti-Climb Spikes or Toppings:

Anti-climb spikes or toppings are legal and effective deterrents to prevent intruders from scaling your fence. These devices typically consist of metal or plastic spikes that can be added to the top of your fence. While they discourage climbing, they do not pose a risk of injury if installed correctly. It’s essential to adhere to local regulations and guidelines to ensure the legal and safe use of these security features.

  1. Warning Signs and Decals:

Displaying visible signs or decals indicating that your property is monitored or protected by a security system can be a simple yet effective measure. Even if you don’t have an actual security system, the perception of surveillance alone can deter burglars. Place signs strategically along your fence, at entry points, and near prominent features to convey a clear message that your property is not an easy target.

Frequently Asked Questions on Fence Security

Is it legal to install spikes on your fence?

Anti-climb spikes are entirely legal, provided there is ample warning for anyone attempting to scale the fence. Property owners bear a duty of care to all those who enter their premises, including uninvited individuals. To ensure the safety of potential climbers, it is essential to display a sign indicating the presence of spikes and their potential for causing injury. The same applies if anti-climb paint is used. It’s important to note that specific anti-climb spikes should be used, avoiding materials such as barbed wire, broken glass, nails, or brackets, which are more likely to cause harm and pose safety hazards.

What is the most effective fence to deter intruders?

While a tall and solid fence can enhance security, it might compromise aesthetics and sunlight for small gardens. The key is not solely in height (around 1.8 – 2 m is optimal) but in making the fence challenging to climb. Utilizing anti-climb paint, anti-climb spikes, and a spinning fence topper can transform an easily climbable fence into a deterrent obstacle. Planting thorny plants and spiky shrubs adds a visually pleasing layer of security. Regularly inspecting the fence for damage or holes and maintaining its condition, particularly for wooden fences, is crucial.

Does leaving a light on at night prevent burglaries?

While most break-ins occur during the day, leaving a light on at night may not entirely deter burglaries. Home and garden security is crucial around the clock. Making your home appear occupied can discourage burglars, and lighting plays a role in achieving this. However, a constantly lit light signals an empty home to burglars. Motion-activated lighting is more effective, triggering only when someone approaches, scaring off potential intruders and preventing them from identifying weak points in your security.

What discourages burglars?

Burglars, often opportunists, are deterred by visible security systems such as burglar alarms or CCTV. Unsecured windows and doors are attractive to intruders, making it essential to keep them locked. A secure garden gate and fence act as deterrents; ensuring the fence is difficult to climb and keeping valuable tools hidden are additional preventive measures.

How can I enhance security in my front garden?

In the front garden, where a tall fence might not be suitable, maintaining a low boundary is essential. A lower boundary makes intruders feel exposed, increasing the chances of them being spotted by you or a neighbor. Fewer hiding spots discourage burglars, contributing to a more secure front garden.


Ensuring the security of your home is a top priority, and fortifying your fence is a legal and practical step in achieving this goal. By incorporating motion-activated lights, security cameras, thorny plants, anti-climb spikes, and warning signs, you can create a formidable barrier that deters burglars and enhances the overall safety of your property. Always research local regulations and guidelines to ensure that the security measures you choose are both effective and compliant with the law.

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