The growth of moss is a common occurrence on most lawns in the UK. The problem is that it can quickly spread if left untreated.
Thankfully, moss infestations are easily treated. Their effective removal requires the use of the best moss killer for lawns you can buy.
We’ve used several different types of moss killer over the years. We’ve decided to put this experience to use and tested several to see which one is the best moss killer for lawns for every garden.
Once you’ve bought your moss killer, we’ll also tell you how to use it, helping you get the best from your new moss killer to banish this weed from your lawn for good.
Best Moss Killer Reviews
Pro-Kleen Iron Sulphate – Best Liquid Moss Killer
Pro-Kleen Iron Sulphate is a fantastic moss killer that we strongly recommend.
Products containing iron sulphate (or ferrous sulphate) are the typical moss control products of professional gardeners and groundskeepers. It’s this ingredient which is used in both moss killing products and lawn sand.
This product comes in powder or granule form that is designed to be mixed with water. Once dissolved it should be applied to your lawn with a watering can or a liquid sprayer. Be sure to make sure than your lawn is wet before applying for maximum efficiency.
You will quickly notice that any moss present starts to turn black within hours, and after no more than 10 days, all moss will have been killed.
The thicker the moss, the more you will need to apply so we suggest raking out as much as possible before applying this moss killer.
Iron Sulphate can also be used as a liquid fertiliser in small doses. This will strengthen grass for cold winters and turn it greener. This process will also suppress moss growth during winter so that your lawn turf is easier to manage when spring arrives.
A truly fantastic product and the best liquid moss killer.
Miracle-Gro EverGreen MossKill – Best Granular Moss Killer
Granular moss killers are rarer than their liquid counterparts, but if you prefer this type of product; EverGreen’s Mosskill is for you.
As a granular product there is no requirement to dissolve in water. This one can be easily spread by hand or with a lawn spreader.
The main difference is that granular moss killers take longer to kill moss than liquid killers. We find that up to 14 days is a good amount of time for the product to penetrate through moss.
We suggest raking your lawn before and after application for the best results.
Evergreen Mosskill contains nitrogen in addition to iron sulphate which is great because it causes grass to grow. You should try and apply this product between April and September which is when grass is growing at its fastest.
Never apply in winter as this can cause a growth surge that can actually weaken grass and promote lawn disease.
Evergreen MossKill is a great product and one we recommend. If you’re looking for a granular moss killer, this is the one for you.
VivaGreen Moss Off – Best Pet Friendly Moss Killer
Many keen gardeners are now looking for pet friendly products. If that’s you, VivaGreen Moss Off is the best moss killer for your garden.
Rather than killing moss with a strong dose of iron, this moss killer is natural which makes it chemical free.
The product works by coating moss with oils and starches to form a biodegradable film. This coating works to prevent the absorption of moisture from the air, starving it of nutrients. Moss doesn’t have roots so this starvation causes the moss to die as it can’t absorb water from the ground.
Due to the absence of chemicals, this product causes moss to turn brown rather than black when it dies. No chemicals also mean you can use it as often as you need, regardless of the time of year.
Although you can apply chemical products like Iron Sulphate multiple times a year, you should always wait a few weeks between applications. Not doing so can alter the pH of your soil and make it more acidic. Moss Off doesn’t have this problem.
Moss Off is great for using on paths and driveways too as it won’t stain them or turn them orange like an iron based product would.
This product will take longer to work than chemical based versions, but the benefits outweigh this disadvantage for most people.
One other point to make is that you will pay more for Moss Off, but this is likely to be irrelevant if you have pets or children who use your garden.
Simply the best organic moss killer there is.
Why Do I Need to Use a Moss Killer?
The presence of moss infestation in your lawn is usually a symptom of excess lawn thatch or soil compaction. Both issues are more serious and need to be rectified.
Killing moss without fixing the problem that originally caused it to grow can result in it growing back. If your lawn is suffering from an infestation of moss, its killing and removal should be the first step in renovating your lawn.
The most common way to get rid of moss is to apply a moss killer and then rake it out after waiting for a couple of weeks.
The reason we don’t skip the moss killer step and just rake it out is because this can spread untreated moss to other areas of your lawn.
Raking Untreated Moss Can Spread it to Other Areas of Your Lawn
It’s common to have areas of your lawn that have moss in them and areas without it. If you rake it while it’s alive, you will need to collect and dispose of all of it. Drop it or rake it into a clean area and it will quickly spread to this area.
Moss is Easier to Remove When it’s Dead
Applying moss killer desiccates moss by breaking it down, killing it and turning it black. This dead moss has no strength which means it can be easily removed unlike if it were still alive.
This process also makes scarifying your lawn much easier as moss will be sitting loose on top of your grass instead of buried deep. Lawn scarifiers will also collect moss which is very useful.
How to Choose the Best Moss Killer for Your Lawn
There are several different types of moss killers available which we covered in our review.
So how do you decide which is the best moss killer for your lawn?
You should consider how much moss is in your lawn. A large infestation will need to be treated with a dedicated moss killer like the ones we recommended.
A small amount of moss could instead be treated with a combined product. Such products include lawn feeds that also contain a weed and moss killer element.
We will say that most groundskeepers prefer to fertilise lawns and kill weeds and moss separately. The approach you take is up to you and your circumstances.
Looking for the best lawn feeds? We’ve reviewed them in our guide.
Liquid vs Granular Moss Killer
As with lawn feeds, moss killer comes in both granular and liquid forms.
Liquid or soluble moss killers work faster than granular products but sometimes only kill the top layer of moss which is why careful raking is so important.
Granular moss killers take more time to work but are often more successful at killing lower layers of thick moss. There are less granular products that are designed as dedicated moss killers as they’re usually combined with a lawn feed product.
Looking for Organic Products? (No Chemicals)
There are several reasons why you wouldn’t want to use a chemical product on your lawn. Aspiring organic gardeners, having children and pets, or wanting to preserve the pH balance of your soil are all good reasons.
Pet friendly organic moss killers are likely to be for you. Use them as often as you like, safe in the knowledge that your garden is safe, and your soil isn’t being made more acidic.
How to Use Lawn Moss Killer for the Best Results
Always carefully remove as much moss as possible by raking it out first.
Step 1:
Rake out the dead moss with a springbok rake or powered lawn rake. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands against blisters.
Rake the lawn twice, using a different direction each time to remove as much moss as you can.
Step 2:
Apply your moss killer and leave it for 2 weeks to kill any remaining moss. You’ll see the moss turn continually blacker as it starts to die and decompose.
Step 3:
Rake the lawn again to remove any remaining dead moss.
This process will remove all of the moss in your lawn. Once moss free, its time to start scarifying, aerating or re-seeding your lawn as required.
Final Verdict
There are a lot of moss killers on the market, some of which are better than others.
We strongly recommend Pro-Kleen Iron Sulphate as it is the best moss killer for lawns and has proven itself repeatedly over the years.
VivaGreen’s Moss Off is an excellent alternative and is great for those who only want to use organic products and prioritise the environment.
In summary, buying the best moss killer for your lawn will get rid of moss and prevent it from returning.